
IT Division - Improvement Requests

The IT Division has its own KAM (Key Account Manager) function. We have this function to capture wishes and needs in different places in the organization.

Norsk versjon: IT-avdelingen - Forbedringsønsker

We accept suggestions and listen to needs, and can initiate measures to improve digital work methods and processes. We aim to be a link between the IT Division and the organization and to make the IT Division more visible. 

Do you have an idea, a suggestion for improvement, or a wish for something that should have been done differently that you think the IT Division should decide on? Please contact us through the link below. 

 Click here to go to the registration form in NTNU Help

How to report a case

  1. Click on the link above, and log in via Feide
  2. Fill in the form with information about needs, any previous correspondence, and attachments
  3. Click send, and we will contact you!
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