
Friday talk at IE

For employees and students at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. 

We would like to welcome employees and students at the faculty to weekly webinars! The purpose of this webinar series is to stimulate academic and free discussions on important topics in research, innovation and education, and also to provide a team- and culture-building arena at the IE Faculty. 

  • When: Fridays 08.30-09.00 (with some exceptions).
  • Where: Teams

Invitations to the talks are sent through Outlook. Links to the webinars are also found in the Innsida post about each talk. 

We encourage all the departments at the faculty to report contributions (topic, speaker and time) to the Arrangement Committee. 


Upcoming events

Spring 2025 

Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences with invited guest lecturers

Date Topic Speaker
28/2 TBA Rune Volden, Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences
21/2 TBA Stig Espeseth, Seaonics
14/2 TBA Torill Standal Eliassen, Twoday


Torbjørn Krogen, Solwr

Dept. of Electronic Systems with invited guest lecturers

Date Topic Speaker
31/1 TBA Thomas Tybell, Dept. of Electronic Systems
24/1 TBA Jon Kristian Hagene, Chip NanoImaging/NEO
17/1 TBA Alexander Høiberget, EIDEL

The view from space, what engineering skills are needed for the growing Norwegian Space industry?

Gunnar Mæhlum, IDEAS

Previous events 


Dept. of Computer Science with invited guest lecturers

Date Topic Speaker
6/12 The future of IDI: Strategic choices and focus areas Heri Ramampiaro, Dept of Computer Science
29/11 Telenor Research & Innovation: The past, present and future Patrick Waldemar, Telenor
22/11 Banking competency - with a slight tilt towards technology Karl Aksel Festø, DNB
8/11 External perspectives on the future of ICT students (cancelled) Trond Eilertsen, Computas

Dept of Electric Energy with invited guest lecturers

Date Topic Speaker
1/11 Strategic priorities in the energy sector and the role of energy research in this perspective Anngjerd Pleym, Dept of Electric Energy
25/10 An introduction to Statkraft’s Research and Development priorities Marit Ronæss, Statkraft
18/10 Together towards 2050 Ingeborg Øfsthus, Statnett
4/10 SINTEF Energy – strategic priorities and cooperation with NTNU Dag Eirik Nordgård, SINTEF Energy

Dept of Engineering Cybernetics with invited guest lecturers

Date Topic Speaker
27/9 AI, Health and Energy - Some reflections from the industrial perspective Sebastien Gros, Dept of Engineering Cybernetics
20/9 Experiences from technology growth company in energy storage Ole Jakob Sørdalen, Pixii
13/9 Can I trust this? Helga Brøgger, DNV
6/9 Managing AI risks, and managing risks with AI Andreas Hafver and Frank Børre Pedersen, DNV

Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology

31/5 Fully homomorphic encryption and its applications: challenges and solutions Jeongeun Park , Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology 
24/5 5G - Between expectations and reality Thomas Zinner, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology 
3/5 Megagames and policy sandboxing: Teaching and research platforms for a post normal science focus on civil security Stewart  Kowalski, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology 

Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics:

22/3 Closed loop glucose control in diabetes type 1: Speeding up the insulin absorption. Anders Fougner, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics
15/3 Overcoming the icing barrier – the cold hazard for UAVs and green aviation Richard Hann, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics
8/3 EEG neuroimaging in BCI applications: From neurorehabilitation and communication to dream decoders. Marta Molinas, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics

Dept. of Electric Energy: Currently in charge of sparking powerful transition

16/2 How converter-based resources challenge (our understanding of) power system stability Sjur Føyen, Dept. of Electric Energy
9/2 Vizualisation of electrical machines: More efficient learning using vizualisation Robert Nilssen, Dept. of Electric Energy
2/2 Cost-effective power electronic designs enabling the power grid transformation Dimosthenis Peftitsis, Dept. of Electric Energy

Dept. of Electronic Systems: Where waves and circuits converge

26/1 Machines may 'think' -  but can they master the spoken language? Torbjørn Svendsen, Dept. of Electronic Systems
19/1 Chasing the bird: 3D acoustic tracking of bird flight with a microphone array  Guillaume Dutilleux, Dept. of Electronic Systems
12/1 Student active learning: A disruptive experience Lars Magne Lundheim, Dept. of Electronic Systems


1/12 From all of us to all of NTNU: AI from IE Ingrid Schjølberg, Dean at the IE Faculty

Dept. of Computer Science: Everything everywhere all at once using zeros and ones

17/11 There are limits to growth! Size and energy are the limits for computing    Gunnar Tufte, Dept. of Computer Science
10/11 Sustainability Competencies: What’s new for IT education? Rune Hjelsvold, Dept. of Computer Science
3/11 The Health Platform: Lessons learned from a large IT project in trouble Dag Svanæs, Dept. of Computer Science

Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences: Autonomous ships, biomechanics, and digital twins

Date Topic Speaker
27/10 On the conceptualization and implementation of urban digital twins: The NorDark-DT case Ricardo Torres, Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences
20/10 Robotics for evaluating surgical methods and treatment in orthopedics Aleksander Skrede, Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences
6/10 Promoting critical thinking among Computer Science students by the use of AI Tools in coding Arne Styve, Dept. of ICT and Natural Sciences

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences: Making sense of the world through mathematics and statistics

Date Topic Speaker
29/9 Top-down and bottom-up: how the measure-prone can meet the principle-driven Mats Ehrnström, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
22/9 Making predictions from genomic data - statistical modeling in ecology and evolution Stefanie Muff, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
15/9 Cryptography and legal aspects - what happens when security fails Kristian Gjøsteen, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences

Theme: Can we have the AI cake and eat it too? A look at different aspects of the recent development. 

Date Topic Speaker
9/6 AI for good John Krogstie, NTNU Digital and Dept. of Computer Science
2/6 Big tech and large language models (ChatGPT) - ethical and social perspectives: Is it the same old story or something new happening? Dag Hareide
26/5 Doom, Gloom and Foom: reasons for hope in the face of a possible AI apocalypse Ainar Miyata, OsloMet
5/5 Large language models at NorwAI Benjamin Kille, Department of Computer Science and SFI NorwAI


Theme: Move over AI! The creative energy of student innovators running on caffeine and pizza cannot be replaced. How do we sustain student innovation (besides buying coffee and pizza)?

Date Topic Speaker
28/4 TALKFEST: What do our students need to learn about innovation? Conversation between Monica Rolfsen, Tormod Njølstad and Markus Löschenbrand. Q&A, discussion, and comments from the audience. Monica Rolfsen, Faculty of Economics and Management, Tormod Njølstad, Dept. of Electronic Systems and Markus Löschenbrand, Versiro and former PhD candidate at IE
21/4 Shaping the future of spaceflight as a student at NTNU Ulrik Falk-Petersen and Jarle Steinberg, Orbit NTNU
14/4 Entrepreneurial students – who are they and why should we care? Roger Sørheim, Dept. of Industrial Economics and Technology Management and NTNU School of Entrepreneurship

Theme: Russian roulette? Turkish pepper? Spanish inquisition? We take a closer look at security in Europe. 

Date Topic Speaker
17/3 Privacy and security aspects in decentralized IoT and wireless systems Stefan Werner, Dept. of Electronic Systems
3/3 Academic traditions meet security concerns in Europe: from open, to guarded, to closing gates around international cooperation Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt (NUPI)
17/2 Geography, maps, and borders. Some historical perspectives on creation of the European nation-states. Karl Erik Haug, Dept. of Modern History and Society
10/2 Fibre optic sensing and security issues Martin Landrø, Dept. of Electronic Systems and Centre for Geophysical Forecasting

Theme: Consequences of Autonomous Ships? Surely, Castaway and Mutiny at sea as fiction genres are dead in the water? 

Date Topic Speaker
27/1 Autonomy on Trondheimsfjorden Edmund Førland Brekke, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics
20/1 Kamikaze kayaking in the path of a driverless passenger ferry prototype Ole Andreas Alsos, Dept. of Design
13/1 Robotic autonomy in the wild: Let robots go anywhere Konstantinos Alexis, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics


Theme: Evolution in a nutshell: from natural stupidity to artificial intelligence? 

Date Topic Speaker
16/12 Looking into the crystal ball of 2023 Ingrid Schjølberg, Dean at the IE faculty
9/12 TALKFEST: Quantum computing: Benefits, threats and hypes. Conversation between Bor de Kock and Danilo Gligoroski. Q&A, discussion, and comments from the audience. Bor de Kock, Dept. of Information Security and Communication TechnologyDanilo Gligoroski, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology
2/12 The emergence of AI-assisted conformity in our online world Keith Downing, Dept. of Computer Science
25/11 Training and Practicing Cybersecurity made available: experience in researching and building a cyber range Basel Katt, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology
18/11 The latest from camp AI Inga Strümke, Dept. of Computer Science
11/11 It started with Amanda - early online detection of cyber grooming Patrick Bours, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology
4/11 AI for Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity for AI Sokratis Katsikas, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology
21/10 AI in Healthcare - an interdisciplinary journey Kerstin Bach, Dept. of Computer Science
7/10 Smart houses in the power system: how smart is it to be smart? (insights from two years of hands-on experiments) Sebastien Gros, Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics

Theme: Finally, everyone is talking about electricity. IE joins the discussion. 

Date Topic Speaker
30/9 TALKFEST: Much more nuclear fission power - necessary for the green transition or an existential threat to humankind? Conversation between Jonas Nøland and Ole-Morten Midtgård. Q&A, discussion, and comments from the audience. Jonas Nøland, Dept. of Electric Power EngineeringOle-Morten Midtgård, IE Faculty 
23/9 We must charge trucks, cars, ships, and airplanes: How do we get sufficient batteries and plugs? Anngjerd Pleym, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering
16/9 Is Smart Grid the solution to ensure the security of electricity supply? Gerd Kjølle, SINTEF/ FME CINELDI
9/9 Why is the electricity so expensive and what can we do about it? Magnus Korpås, Dept. of Electric Power Engineering
Date Topic Speaker
10/6 Go for IT Birgit R. Krogstie, Director SFU Excited
3/6 Ethical dilemmas in artificial intelligence Trym Holter, Director AI-Lab
20/5 NTNU Digital - status and future plans  John Krogstie, Director NTNU Digital
13/5 Clean Aviation Jonas K. Nøland, Coordinator Clean Aviation
29/4 Strategy sustainability IE 2022-2025 Ole-Morten Midtgård, Vice-Dean Sustainability and Innovation

The format is as following 

  • 15-20 minutes talk, 10-15 minutes for questions/discussions
  • Presentations in English, no recording, no distribution of presentations
  • The speaker is introduced by a member of the Arrangement Committee

The contributions 

  • Low threshold and the possibility to reuse presentations
  • Relevant and interesting research, projects and innovations
  • Talks on challenges and future research (e.g. sustainability, digitalization, innovation and interdisciplinarity)

Friday talk coordinator 

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