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Norwegian Bokmål

Ordbøker og leksikon (for studenter)


And other reference works for students | See also: Dictionaries for employees

You need to be connected to the NTNU network to use the dictionaries.
If you are not on campus, you can connect to the NTNU network with VPN

Søk i ordbok - norsk og engelsk

Search dictionaries

Bokmål | Nynorsk
From the Language Council of Norway and the University of Bergen.
A proper dictionary with approximately 81 000 entries. Provides access to over 20 dictionaries from the series of Blue Dictionaries published by Kunnskapsforlaget. A very useful resource.

Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
Word definition and use from the most well-respected source of British English words and definitions. NTNU uses the Oxford English Dictionaries (including the Advanced Learner's version) as the standard when there are questions regarding spellings or word use and the like.

Dictionaries for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Finnish, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. Particularly useful for looking up professional and technical terms. Download Clue here or contact the Oracle Support Services.  

Flere ordbøker?

More dictionaries? 

These database listings provide an overview of dictionary resources that are available through the NTNU University Library. Here you may find for example the French dictionary Le Petit Robert and the terminology dictionary Terminology Forum

Engelsk ved NTNU

English at NTNU

NTNU English Style Guide
A style guide for using English at NTNU. 

English Matters
A collection of language ressources, tips and terminology.

Translation of titles at NTNU
Norwegian-to-English translations of NTNU job titles. 

Search databases and references

Search databases and references

Students and employees have access to a range of databases and references via the NTNU University Library.

Search Oria 

In addition to books, articles and journals, you may find statistics, newspapers, photos, encyclopaedias and more.

Språkpolitiske retningslinjer (bare på norsk)