Changes of Name - National Identification Number - Kunnskapsbasen
Changes of Name - National Identification Number
The name registered on Studentweb is the name that will appear on your Transcript of Records, Diploma, Student Card, Student ID-app and more. Norwegian version - Navneendring - norsk fødselsnummer
Changes of Name
If you have changed your name or your name appears incorrectly on Studentweb, you must inform us as soon as possible so we can update our systems with the correct information.
Fill in our contact form on NTNU Hjelp (only for students).
If you don't have access to this portal, send an e-mail to
We will check the information in the National Registry (Folkeregisteret) and update our systems.
National Identification Number
If you have received a Norwegian ID-number (11 Digit ID) after you were admitted as student at NTNU, you must inform us as soon as possible so that we can update our systems with the correct information.
Fill in our contact form on NTNU Hjelp.
We will check the information in the National Registry (Folkeregisteret) and update our systems.