Peer review excellent teaching practitioner - Kunnskapsbasen
Peer review excellent teaching practitioner
Information about peer review for those who have applied for status as an excellent teaching practitioner at this year's call for proposals at NTNU.
After the deadline for applying for status as an excellent teaching practitioner at NTNU applications must be peer-reviewed. See peer review schedule. See peer review schedule
Information peer review
The application must be assessed by a group of peers consisting of 2 excellent teaching practitioners (both from NTNU and other universities/university colleges if needed) and 1 student representative (appointed by the Student Council). In addition, 2 main responsible peers will consider all applications. Applicants are assessed on the based on formal requirements immediately after the application deadline. Applicants may be rejected if they do not meet formal requirements.
Main responsible peer
Two persons from the higher education sector with good knowledge of the merit scheme have the coordinating and overall responsibility for ensuring that the peer review process is carried out equally for all applicants. They participate in all interviews, and all written feedback must be developed in cooperation with the main responsible peer.
Peer group
The group consists of 2 excellent teaching practitioner and 1 student representative who together read 2 – 6 applications. The peer read the application and conduct digital interviews together with one of the main responsible peers. The student representatives have overall responsibility for the student perspective in the application, and shall focus on this. Student representatives do not participate in interviews.
The main responsible peer will have access to all applications and peer reviews. The merited peer reviewers must participate in interviews of applicants. The student representative can prepare questions related to the student perspective if it is relevant to the interview and not clarified in the application.
Peer reviewer's impartiality
After the application deadline, all applications that meet formal requirements are distributed among peer reviewers. It will be endeavored that a peer has expertise in the applicant's professional background. As a peer, you must notify if there are applications where you are disqualified. Examples of disqualification are concrete ongoing cooperation with the applicant or personal relationship as a family, close friendship, etc.
Basis for peer review
The basis for the peer review is
a. Application with attachments where the applicant reflects on his/her own educational competence in accordance with the criteria for status as an excellent teaching practitioner.
b. Interview with applicants who meet all formal requirements.
The application is peer-reviewed based on the criteria for pedagogical merit. All four criteria must be met in order to achieve excellent teaching practitioner status. The assessment form for peer review is available as Appendix 2 and can be used as a working document and basis for interview.
Applicants who meet formal requirements to apply and apply must be interviewed. The interview is conducted digitally. Participants in the interview are the applicant, the two merit peer reviewers and the main responsible peer. The interview will give the peer reviewers the opportunity to ask complementary questions for application. The interview has a maximum duration of 45 min.
Feedback applicants
All applicants receive written feedback. The feedback is related to the criteria for merit, and if rejected, the feedback must also point forward on areas of improvement and be clear about which areas the applicant must develop further in order to achieve the status of a excellent teaching practitioner at a later date. Based on the peer reviews, a recommendation is prepared for the rector over the applicants who qualify for the status of an excellent teaching practitioner.
All peer reviewers must use a template for feedback. It is the written feedback of each applicant, and it is important that it is complementary. For all applicants to receive equal feedback, feedback should not exceed 4 pages.
All groups must cooperate with the main responsible peer before the written feedback is completed. Template for feedback
The award of the status of excellent teaching practitioner at NTNU requires that the peers are unanimous. The peer review is not an individual decision that can be appealed pursuant to the Public Administration Act. Based on the peer review, the Quality of Education research group prepares a recommendation with an overview of the applicants who qualify for the status of a excellent teaching practitioner. The principal assigns excellent teaching practitioner status based on this setting.
The peer review is coordinated by the Department of Education Quality.