KASPER - Study Programme Contributions from the Academic Environment - Kunnskapsbasen
KASPER - Study Programme Contributions from the Academic Environment
This wiki explains how to use the module for describing and updating the academic environment’s contributions to study programmes. The module is made for documenting how study programmes fulfil the national requirements for their academic environment.
Norsk versjon: KASPER – Fagmiljøets bidrag i studiprogram
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Documentation of the national requirements for academic environments
KASPER's module for study programmes' academic environments should be used to describe, assess and document how the academic environment fulfills the national Academic Supervisions Regulations § 2-3. The regulation, among other things, sets requirements for the composition, size, and stability of the competence of the academic environment.
See Mapping and documentation of requirements for professional environments related to study offers - Knowledge base - NTNU [in Norwegian only] for more information on when and how these requirements should be quality assured.
Connection between the systems
An import can be run from Emne samlebilete, fane Personrolle i FS, to Kasper’s academic environment module. The import ensures that the same people who are shown on the website of the subject/subject description are transferred to Kasper’s overview of the total professional environment of the study program. See parts 5.8 and 5.12 in the Study Plan Guide for more information.
Description of documentation (Points 1-3 and 5-7)
The requirements from the study supervision regulation § 2-3 are divided into seven points. For each of these points, there is a text field where it should be briefly described how it can be documented that the requirement from the regulation is met, as well as buttons to tick off whether the requirement is "Oppfylt" [Met] or "Ikke oppfylt" [Not met].
Get started in KASPER
- Log into KASPER by clocking the button below:
Log in - If you are a institute or faculty manager, click the "Ledelse" [Management] tile, then "Studieprogram fagmiljø" [Study Programme Academic Environment].
- If you are working on the periodic study program evaluation, there is a link to the academic environment page from the report page.
Documentation of national requirements
The academic environment page is used to describe, assess, and quantify how the academic environment fulfills the national requirements from the regulations on the supervision and control of quality of Norwegian higher education, paragraph 2-3. The requirements have been split into seven sections.
Descriptions of documentation (Section 1-3 and 5-7)
For each of these sections there is a textbox in which to describe how the fulfillment of the requirements may be documented, and a button for marking if the requirement is “Oppfylt” [Fulfilled] or “Ikke oppfylt” [Not fulfilled].
Each section includes a description of the requirement that needs to be fulfilled and a short explainer on how to describe the documentation.
NB: Section 7 only applies to study programmes which include mandatory internships.
Academic Staff Competency (Section 4)
Section 4 of paragraph 2-3 says (paraphrased from Norwegian) “at least 50% of the man-years at the study programme should be staffed by full-time employees. Out of these, a significant amount of the academic staff should have competency at least equivalent to a doctorate”. In addition, the following requirements apply:
- For study programmes at the bachelor level, the academic environment should consist of at least 20% employees with competency at least equivalent to a doctorate.
- For study programmes at the master level, at least 50% of the academic environment should have competency at least equivalent to a doctorate, and of those 10% should have professor or docent competency.
- For study programmes at the doctorate level, the entire academic environment should have competency at least equivalent to a doctorate, and of those 50% should have professor or docent competency.
This section of the page is used to register the employed academic staff that contributes towards fulfilling these requirements. NB: A distinction is made between those who contribute more or less than 0.1 man-years.
How to add staff contributing towards fulfilling the requirements
- Click “+Legg til” [Add].
- This opens a box on the right side of the screen. At the top, under “Velg ansatt” [Select employee], you can search for the person you want to add. Use the rest of the fields below to add/edit relevant information where necessary, for instance how large their contribution towards the requirements is.
- When finished, click “Lagre” [Save].
- To make changes someone already registered, select them from the list (4) and click “Åpne” [Open] (5). This opens the same box as described above. At this moment there is no delete button to remove people, but you can open the editing box for an existing person and switch them out from there.
Access to personal data
The information about employees and students in KASPER is retrieved from NTNU’s user-register TIA. The data from TIA are used in two ways:
- When giving users access to KASPER we search and add employees and students by name.
- To document the national requirements for the academic environment associated with a study programme given in the Studietilsynsforskriften §2-3 (regulations on the supervision and control of the quality of Norwegian higher education).
To document the national requirements for the academic environment one may search and add an employee to the academic environment overview in KASPER. Position category and employment status (permanent, temporarily, hourly) are added automatically.
In addition, information is manually added about:
- main position (yes/no)
- courses in the study programme where the employee contributes
- relevant pedagogical/educational competence
- experience from the field of practice
- share of the academic man-years in the study programme
If you want access to information about the personal data registered on you in KASPER, please contact KASPER-support at NTNU Help. If you discover errors in the registered data, it is possible to have these corrected.